Patna, the capital city of Bihar, has received a significant gift from the Nitish government. Under this gift, the elected representatives at all three levels will now be able to travel in AC class on trains. This new provision will be given to different representatives based on priority. As a result, district council chairpersons and vice-chairpersons will be able to travel in first-class AC. This decision by the Nitish government will benefit 2.25 million representatives.

The Nitish government has given this significant gift to representatives from the district council to the panchayat level, allowing them to travel in first-class to third AC. Considering the unexpected increase in inflation and the increasing responsibilities of nearly two hundred thousand representatives of the gram kachharyas, the government has made this decision. The Bihar government has also given this great gift to the representatives of the gram kachharyas along with the representatives of the third-tier panchayat samitis.

Now, chairpersons and vice-chairpersons of the district council will be able to travel comfortably in the first AC bogie, while council members, panchayat samiti members, block chiefs, deputy chiefs, mukhias, and sarpanches will be able to travel in second AC. This facility has also been provided to deputy sarpanches and panchayat members. They will now be able to travel in third AC. The Additional Chief Secretary of the Panchayati Raj Department, Mihir Singh, issued the order in this regard on Wednesday.

According to the government’s order, representatives of the gram kachharyas, along with the representatives of the third-tier panchayat samitis, will need permission from the district magistrate before traveling. The Finance Department has also approved this initiative and has made provisions for the funds as well.

बिहार की नीतीश सरकार ने पटना के त्रि-स्तरीय जन प्रतिनिधियों को एक बड़ा तोहफा दिया है। इस तोहफे के तहत, इन प्रतिनिधियों को अब रेलगाड़ियों में एसी क्लास में यात्रा करने की सुविधा मिलेगी। नई व्यवस्था के तहत अलग-अलग जन प्रतिनिधियों को यात्रा करने की सुविधा वरीयता के आधार पर दी जाएगी। इसके तहत अब जिला परिषद अध्यक्ष और उपाध्यक्ष फर्स्ट क्लास एसी में यात्रा कर सकेंगे। इस फैसले का लाभ 2.25 लाख जनप्रतिनिधियों को मिलेगा। सरकार ने यह फैसला लेते हुए ग्राम कचहरियों के बढ़ते दायित्व और महंगाई के बढ़ते दबाव को ध्यान में रखा है। इसके साथ ही जिला परिषद के अध्यक्ष और उपाध्यक्ष को रेलवे में आरामदायक यात्रा करने की सुविधा भी मिलेगी। यह फैसला वित्त विभाग की मंजूरी के साथ लागू होगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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