In Sevan, Bihar, farmers are adopting new methods of farming to increase their income and expand their agricultural activities. Inter-cropping, specifically growing sugarcane and potatoes together, has proven to be a profitable option for farmers like Gorakh Singh and Shailendra Kumar Singh. By growing two crops simultaneously in the same field, they can reduce expenses and effort while maximizing their yields.
Surprising Farming Methods
Gorakh Singh, a resident of Bishnupura village in Sevan district, has become known for his innovative farming techniques. This time, he has surprised other farmers by growing sugarcane and potatoes together in five plots. The cost of cultivating these plots has been around 6 to 7 rupees, but the profits are expected to be doubled. While it is common to cultivate potatoes with crops like mustard, peas, corn, spinach, and radish, combining potatoes with sugarcane is a unique and profitable approach.
The Benefits of Inter-cropping
Gorakh Singh’s son, Shailendra Singh, explained that their inspiration for inter-cropping came from witnessing various farming methods in Uttar Pradesh. They realized that it would be more beneficial to grow sugarcane and potatoes together in separate fields rather than in the same field. This approach allows for the simultaneous cultivation of both crops, resulting in reduced expenses and effort. Additionally, using the same type of fertilizer for both crops simplifies the process of preparation and ensures better yields. Sugarcane grown through advanced farming methods can yield up to 35 to 38 tons per acre after 12 months, while inter-cropping can provide an additional income of 40 to 50 thousand rupees within three to four months.
बिहार के सीवान में अंकित कुमार सिंह और शालेंद्र कुमार सिंह ने एक नया तरीका अपनाया है जिससे उनकी खेती में एक अलग पहचान बन रही है। वे गन्ने की खेती के साथ-साथ आलू की भी खेती कर रहे हैं। इससे उन्हें एक हीं खर्च और मेहनत में दोनों फसलों की उपज मिल रही है। इंटरक्रॉपिंग यानी सहफसली खेती से उन्हें अतिरिक्त आय भी हो रही है। यह तकनीक अन्य किसानों को भी प्रेरित कर रही है। इस तरीके से गन्ने की उत्पादन की दर बढ़ रही है और आलू की फसल से भी अतिरिक्त आय मिल रही है।