Initiative to Promote Rainwater Harvesting in Betiya
The Municipal Commissioner of Betiya, Shambhu Kumar, has started a new initiative to promote rainwater harvesting in the city. With the increasing threat of future water scarcity due to continuous depletion of groundwater, a plan for rainwater harvesting has been devised. Those who install a rain harvesting system during construction of their houses will receive a five percent discount on holding taxes, as informed by the Municipal Commissioner.
Incentives for Existing Houses
Furthermore, even those who already have a house can avail of the discount on holding taxes if they install a rainwater harvesting system in their homes. This move aims to encourage more residents to adopt rainwater harvesting practices and contribute towards water conservation efforts in Betiya.
Importance of Rain Harvesting System
Rainwater harvesting is crucial in preventing wastage of rainwater and ensuring sustainable water management. By implementing this system, residents can reduce their dependence on groundwater and contribute towards the conservation of this vital resource for future generations.
The initiative by the Betiya Municipal Corporation highlights the importance of rainwater harvesting in addressing water scarcity issues and promoting sustainable water management practices in the city. By offering incentives to residents, the aim is to create a more water-efficient and environmentally conscious community in Betiya.
बेतिया नगर निगम ने जल संचय को बढ़ावा देने के लिए नई पहल शुरू की है, जिसमें नगर आयुक्त शंभू कुमार ने रेन हार्वेस्टिंग सिस्टम की योजना बताई है। इस योजना के अंतर्गत, वर्षा के पानी को संचयित करने वाले लोगों को होल्डिंग टैक्स में छूट दी जाएगी। इससे नगर में जल संचय की योजना को बढ़ावा मिलेगा और जल संकट से निपटने में मदद मिलेगी।