New Year 2024 is just around the corner and everyone is hopeful that it will bring good fortune. Those who are struggling with various issues are especially looking forward to the new year. According to astrologer and religious scholar Pandit Ripsudan Thakur, the new year is approaching. In the new year, both the king and the minister are changing. The king this time is Mars while the minister is Saturn. Mars is powerful and strong, but for those whose zodiac signs are ruled by Venus and Saturn, it could be detrimental.
The year 2024 is an eight-digit year, which is considered unfavorable for the ruler of Venus and Saturn. According to the scriptures, this eight-digit year is associated with Goddess Kali. Such a new year can bring changes and uncertainties in people’s lives. However, special caution needs to be taken for those whose zodiac signs are associated with Saturn and Venus. People associated with these planets may engage in adventurous activities. Venus rules Scorpio and Libra, while Aquarius, Libra, and Capricorn need to exercise great restraint.
According to astrologer Pandit Ripsudan Thakur, the new year may bring various troubles for Aries. There may be obstacles in your career and you may suffer losses in business. Likewise, Leo individuals may face various obstacles in their work. The entire year may involve dealing with the effects of Rahu’s influence. There may be moments in life where you have to confront conflicts with your loved ones. This is because the eight-digit year 2024 is the year of Goddess Kali.
Note: This news is based on the statements made by the astrologer and not confirmed by Local 18.
नीरज कुमार, बेगूसराय के लोग नये साल 2024 के आने की उम्मीद में हैं। ज्योतिष और धर्म शास्त्र के ज्ञानी पंडित रिपुसुदन ठाकुर ने बताया है कि यह साल आठ अंकों का साल होगा और शुक्र-शनि ग्रह के लिए नुकसानदायक हो सकता है। वहीं, राशि के अनुसार मेष और सिंह राशि वालों को भी कुछ परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ सकता है। इसलिए, इन राशि के लोगों को सावधान रहने की आवश्यकता होगी। इसके अलावा, यह साल राहु की महादशा का सामना करने वाले जीवन में कई मोड़ लाएगा और संयम बरतने की जरूरत होगी। तो, नये साल के आने के साथ हर कोई उम्मीद में है, लेकिन खासकर इन राशि के लोगों को सतर्क रहने की आवश्यकता है।