In recent months, there have been continuous raid operations by various security agencies in different locations in Gaya district, Bihar. These operations began after the arrest of Pramod Mishra, the top leader of the banned organization Bhakpa Maoist, a few months ago. On Thursday, the NIA (National Investigation Agency) team conducted a raid at the residence of Raju Yadav, former district councilor and RJD leader, in the Kathautiya village of Koch police station area and Gautam Buddha Nagar Mohalla of the Delha police station area in the city.
During the raid, the NIA team carried several documents with them. However, the team members refused to provide any information regarding the raid. The local police of Delha police station were also present at the scene. Raju Yadav’s elder brother, Ranjit Yadav, mentioned that around 8 NIA officers came in the morning and instructed the women and men to separate. They then conducted a search of all the rooms in the house but did not find anything. They took a diary related to accounting with them.
The NIA officers stated that they had received information that Naxalites (Maoists) frequently visit your house, and therefore, they have come for questioning. Ranjit Yadav explained that his younger brother Raju Yadav was a former district councilor and a social worker. Many people come and go from their house as a result. They have no connection with any anti-social elements.
Ranjit Yadav further mentioned that Raju Yadav left the house at 7 am yesterday but has not returned yet. The NIA team conducted the raid this morning. No objectionable items were found during the raid.