NIA conducts raids in Rohatas: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) conducted a raid at the residence of Shashi Bhushan Kumar, a suspect in a fake currency case, in Rohatas. The team interrogated Shashi Bhushan for 6 hours and conducted a search of his house. They seized his mobile phone and laptop before leaving the premises. This raid comes after NIA teams conducted searches in Bengaluru and Patna in connection with the fake currency case.
Shashi Bhushan’s mother, Kanchan Devi, stated that a group of people knocked on their door in civilian clothes at around 6 am. When her daughter opened the door, they entered the house and conducted a thorough search while showing a search warrant. They took Shashi Bhushan into custody and later returned with him in the afternoon to question the entire family. They left with Shashi Bhushan’s mobile phone and laptop.
NIA raids related to fake currency case: In connection with the fake currency case, NIA conducted raids at Shashi Bhushan’s residence. Kanchan Devi, Shashi Bhushan’s mother, mentioned that her son was preparing to work for Indian Airlines in Bengaluru and had recently returned home. He had also applied for a job at a private school. Kanchan Devi stated that the police came to question her son regarding a case related to Bengaluru. However, she believes her son is innocent and would not engage in any illegal activities.
Please note that the NIA and local police officials have refrained from providing any details about the case.
एनआईए की टीम ने रोहतास में फेक करेंसी केस में शशि भूषण कुमार नाम के युवक के घर छापेमारी की। टीम ने उसे पूछताछ की और उसके घर की तलाशी ली। इसके बाद टीम ने उसके मोबाइल और लैपटॉप को जब्त किया। इस मामले में शशि भूषण की मां ने बताया कि उनका बेटा बेंगलुरु में नौकरी करने की तैयारी कर रहा था और उसे इस मामले में संलिप्त नहीं होना चाहिए। NIA और स्थानीय पुलिस के अधिकारियों ने कुछ भी बताने से परहेज किया है।