Order for implementation of the 11th wage settlement for coal workers has been issued by Coal India on Friday. An announcement regarding this has been made through a notification from MP and IR GM Gautam Banerjee, who sent a letter to the CMDs of all subsidiary companies including BCCL. The directive instructs to implement the agreements on 10 points, including social security, travel within India, and housing allowance. As per the settlement, daughters will now be included along with sons in the dependent roster of beneficiaries. This means that in the event of the worker’s death, both the son and daughter will be eligible for benefits.

The implementation of the 11th wage settlement for coal workers has been ordered by Coal India. The notification was issued by MP and IR GM Gautam Banerjee, who sent a letter to the CMDs of all subsidiary companies, including BCCL. The directive states that agreements on 10 points, such as social security, travel within India, and housing allowance, should be implemented. Additionally, the settlement now includes daughters in the dependent roster, along with sons, in the event of the worker’s death.

Coal India has issued an order for the implementation of the 11th wage settlement for coal workers. The notification, released by MP and IR GM Gautam Banerjee, has been sent to the CMDs of all subsidiary companies, including BCCL. The directive instructs the implementation of agreements on various points, including social security, travel within India, and housing allowance. According to the settlement, both sons and daughters will now be included in the dependent roster, ensuring that they are eligible for benefits in the event of the worker’s death.

Coal India has issued an order for the implementation of the 11th wage settlement for coal workers. The notification, released by MP and IR GM Gautam Banerjee, has been sent to the CMDs of all subsidiary companies, including BCCL. The directive instructs the implementation of agreements on various points, including social security, travel within India, and housing allowance. As per the settlement, both sons and daughters will now be included in the dependent roster, ensuring that they are eligible for benefits in the event of the worker’s death.

को भी सम्मिलित होगी। इसके अलावा, समझौते के अनुसार कर्मियों को देय बनी बाध्यता भत्ते की राशि भी बढ़ाई जाएगी। कार्यालयीन समय में आने और जाने की जगह परिवार के साथ रहने के लिए भी विशेष छूटें दी गई हैं। इस समझौते के माध्यम से लगभग 2.5 लाख कर्मियों को आरामदायक माहिती का लाभ मिलेगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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