Overhead Wire Falls on Train Coach S5 of 12876 Neelanchal Express
An overhead wire fell on coach S5 of the 12876 Neelanchal Express traveling from Anand Vihar to Puri, between Suisa and Tiruldih, causing two passengers to fall off the train door due to the impact of the wire. Both passengers were immediately taken to a local hospital for treatment, and later referred to Purulia for better medical care.
Two Passengers Injured Due to Electrical Shock
According to reports, at 7:30 am, a pantograph wire broke between Suisa and Tiruldih stations due to electrical shocks, resulting in injuries to two passengers. As soon as the incident was reported, a medical team from Tatanagar was dispatched to the scene for immediate assistance. The information about the incident was received by the Area Manager, Abhishek Singhal, from Tatanagar.
Medical Assistance Provided Promptly
Medical assistance was provided promptly to the injured passengers, who were taken to a local hospital for initial treatment. The incident is currently being investigated, and updates on the situation are being communicated by the authorities to ensure the safety and well-being of the passengers.
Incident Under Investigation
The incident of the overhead wire falling on coach S5 of the 12876 Neelanchal Express is currently under investigation to determine the cause and prevent similar incidents in the future. Passengers are advised to remain cautious and follow safety guidelines while traveling on trains to avoid such accidents.
आनंद विहार से पूरी जाने वाली 12876 नीलांचल एक्सप्रेस के कोच संख्या एस5 पर सुइसा और तिरुलडीह के बीच ओवर हेड वायर गिरने से दो यात्री चोटिल हो गए। इन्हें स्थानीय अस्पताल में इलाज के लिए ले जाया गया है। घटना की जानकारी टाटानगर के एरिया मैनेजर अभिषेक सिंघल द्वारा प्राप्त की गई है।