Panchayat Up Nirvachan 2023, the voting for which started at 7:00 am and will continue until 5:00 pm, has a total of 1335 polling centers where votes will be cast. A total of 242 positions are being contested in 167 blocks of 36 districts. In Panchayat Up Nirvachan 2023, a total of 741,943 voters will exercise their voting rights, including 391,010 male voters, 350,911 female voters, and 22 other voters. The elections for Ward Parishad and Chief Parishad on vacant positions are also being held in 16 wards of 15 municipalities in 12 districts.

In Gaya district, voting for Imamganj and Koch blocks will take place from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm. There are a total of 736 candidates contesting in this election, including 388 female candidates and 348 male candidates.

Out of the total 1675 vacant positions for Panchayat Up Nirvachan 2023, elections were postponed for 5 positions due to errors in the voter list. After this, 1670 positions became vacant. Out of these, 945 candidates have been elected uncontested, and 483 positions are currently vacant.

To ensure peaceful and clean voting, arrangements have been made. Facial recognition systems have been installed at all polling centers to verify the identity of voters. Webcasting is also being done at all polling centers for the vacant position of Gram Panchayat Mukhiya.

A control room has been set up to address any issues or complaints at the polling centers. This control room will operate at the block, district, and commission levels. The contact number for the control room at the commission level is 1800 3457243.

पंचायत उप निर्वाचन 2023 का मतदान सुबह 7:00 बजे से शुरू हो चुका है, जो 5:00 बजे शाम तक चलेगा। कुल 1335 मतदान केंद्र बनाये गये हैं, जिनपर वोट डाले जाएंगे। पंचायत उप निर्वाचन 2023 में कुल 741943 मतदाता अपने मताधिकार का प्रयोग करेंगे, जिनमें 391010 पुरुष मतदाता हैं, 350911 महिला मतदाता हैं और 22 अन्य मतदाता हैं। राज्य के 12 जिलों के 15 नगरपालिकाओं के 16 वार्ड में वार्ड पार्षद तथा एक नगर पालिका में मुख्य पार्षद के रिक्त पद पर उप निर्वाचन कराए जा रहे हैं। मतदान  शांतिपूर्ण एवं स्वच्छ माहौल में हो इसके लिए FRS द्वारा मतदाताओं का सत्यापन किया जाना सुनिश्चित किया गया है। सभी मतदाता केन्द्रों पर फेसियल रिकॉग्निशन सिस्टम लगाये गये हैं, जिससे मतदाताओं की पहचान की जा सके। साथ ही ग्राम पंचायत मुखिया के रिक्त पद से संबंधित सभी मतदान केंद्र पर वेब कास्टिंग कराए जा रहे हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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