Stomach pain of four dozen children due to information of lizard being found in mid day meal in bihar news

Treatment of children is underway at Sadar Hospital.
★Photo: Amar Ujala


About 50 school children in Sitamarhi fell ill due to a lizard being found in their mid-day meal. The incident took place at the Prathmik Vidyalaya Panchayat Bhavan, located in Rikhuali Mahadev Math, Bhasar Machhaan South Gram Panchayat of Dumar Prakhand area. The news of a lizard falling into the mid-day meal spread throughout the village like a wildfire. Upon hearing the news, villagers rushed to the school. Seeing the crowd, the school management closed the gates. Relatives of the children took them to the Primary Health Center in Dumar for treatment. Some children were sent to Sadar Hospital in Sitamarhi.

Villagers angry with the headmaster of the school

After the incident, panic spread in the village. Currently, there is uproar among the relatives of the insured students. The villagers are quite angry with the headmaster of the school. To control the situation, officials along with the police reached the hospital to investigate the matter. People say that the negligence of the school management is the reason behind the children’s condition. The police should take strict action against those responsible for jeopardizing the lives of the children.

Treatment of children underway at Sadar Hospital

Relatives said that the children complained of stomach pain while consuming the mid-day meal at school. Concerned relatives admitted the children to the hospital for treatment. All the children are being treated by a team of doctors with utmost care. The condition of the children is currently stable. Sudha Jha, the Deputy Director of Sadar Hospital, stated that a thorough examination and treatment of all the children is being carried out. Information about the incident has been received by the District Education Officer, Pramod Kumar Sahu. After the investigation, appropriate action will be taken against the culprits. He also mentioned that similar incidents have occurred in the past where the villagers spread rumors to harass the principal.


★About 50 school children in Sitamarhi, Bihar fell ill after a lizard was found in their mid-day meal.
★Panic spread in the village and there is anger among the relatives of the affected students towards the school headmaster.
★The children were taken to the Primary Health Center in Dumar and some were sent to Sadar Hospital in Sitamarhi for treatment.
★The children are currently stable and receiving treatment under the care of a team of doctors at Sadar Hospital. Investigations are underway, and appropriate action will be taken against those responsible.

खबर हिंदी में भी समझिए

सीतामढ़ी में मध्यान भोजन के दौरान छिपकली के आने से 50 स्कूली बच्चे बीमार हो गए हैं। इसके बाद गांव में हलचल मची हुई है और स्कूल के हेड मास्टर पर ग्रामीणों का गुस्सा है। बच्चों को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया है और इलाज जारी है। इस मामले की जांच के बाद दोषियों पर कार्रवाई की जाएगी। पहले भी ग्रामीणों ने ऐसी घटना को फैलाया था।

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