Heatwave Grips Patients in Hospitals

A large number of patients from Samastipur and surrounding areas are facing discomfort due to the heatwave in the OPD of Sadar Hospital on Tuesday morning. The impact of the heat is affecting people’s health, causing symptoms such as fever, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and cold-cough. Many people are rushing to the hospital due to heatstroke. Patients are lining up in both government and private hospitals for treatment.

Treatment of Patients in Medicine Department

By 11 am on Tuesday, treatment of 150 patients in the Medicine Department was completed, with over 30 having fever, 40 with vomiting-diarrhea, and more than 15 with stomach pain. In the Chest and TB department, 65 patients were treated, with 20 suffering from cough, cold, and breathing issues. In the Dermatology department, 90 patients arrived by 11 am, with more than half experiencing vomiting-diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, cold, cough. Most patients were advised preventive measures along with medication.

Patients in PICU and Children Ward

The number of patients suffering from the heatwave is high in the PICU and Children’s Ward as well, with treatment ongoing for 22 patients. Among them, 11 have vomiting-diarrhea, 10 have fever, and three have stomach pain. Dr. Sunil Kumar advises taking precautions, such as using an umbrella while going out in the sun. He warns that lack of cleanliness, consumption of contaminated food, and extreme cold beverages can lead to illness, especially in children.

Precautions Advised by Dr. Sunil Kumar

Dr. Sunil Kumar, MD Medicine, suggests that people need to be cautious during the heatwave season. The number of patients suffering from vomiting-diarrhea, stomach pain, fever, cold, cough, and flu has increased. Due to decreased immunity, children are more susceptible to falling ill. He recommends staying hydrated, consuming water-rich fruits, using an umbrella when going out, and advising the elderly to stay active and alert.

सदर अस्पताल में ओपीडी में भीड़ समस्तीपुर और आसपास के इलाके के लोग गर्मी के असर से परेशान हैं। लोग बुखार, उल्टी, दस्त, पेट दर्द, सर्दी-जुकाम की चपेट में आ रहे हैं। अस्पताल में दिनभर मेडिसिन, चेस्ट, टीबी और बाल रोग विभाग में मरीजों का इलाज हो रहा है। डॉक्टरों ने गर्मी से बचाव के लिए उल्टी-दस्त, पेट दर्द, बुखार, सर्दी, खांसी से पीड़ित लोगों को सावधानी बरतने की सलाह दी है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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