Mung Bean Cultivation in Sondhi and Nanouk Villages

This year, more than 20 acres of land in Sondhi and Nanouk villages are being used for cultivating mung beans. Around 40 to 50 farmers are involved in this cultivation. Residents of Nanouk village such as Ramesh Prasad, Gauri Prasad, Shivenandan Prasad, Veerendra Mahto, Akhilesh Yadav, Anand Mohan, Puranjay Prasad, Vishnudev Prasad, Rakesh Kumar, Ajay Prasad, Vijay Singh, Dilip, Ramdahin Prasad, and more are actively participating in this cultivation.

Benefits of Mung Bean Cultivation

Mung beans are a nutritious legume that is rich in protein, fiber, and vitamins. Cultivating mung beans not only provides a sustainable source of income for the farmers but also helps in improving the soil fertility. The farmers in Sondhi and Nanouk villages are reaping the benefits of this cultivation by selling the mung beans in the local markets.

Community Engagement and Future Prospects

The active involvement of the residents in mung bean cultivation has strengthened the sense of community in Sondhi and Nanouk villages. With proper planning and management, this initiative has the potential to further enhance the economic growth of the villages. The farmers are optimistic about the future prospects of mung bean cultivation and are looking forward to expanding their agricultural practices in the coming years.

इस वर्ष सोंधी और ननौक गांव में 20 बीघे से भी अधिक भूमि में मूंगफली की खेती हो रही है, जिसमें 40 से 50 किसान जुड़े हैं। ननौक गांव के कई लोग जैसे रमेश प्रसाद, गौरी प्रसाद, शिवनंदन प्रसाद, वीरेन्द्र महतो, अखिलेश यादव, आनंद मोहन, पुरंजय प्रसाद, विष्णुदेव प्रसाद, राकेश कुमार, अजय प्रसाद, विजय सिंह, दिलीप, रामदहिन प्रसाद आदि इसकी खेती कर रहे हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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