Performing Last Rites Before Death
After someone passes away, their family members perform the final rites or shraadh karma to bring peace to the departed soul. However, in Chapra, there is a person who is performing his own last rites while still alive. He has conducted his own shraadh karma and pind daan. According to him, no one knows what will happen to the body after death, but performing shraadh while alive will satisfy the soul. This incident took place in the Bhodasa village under the Saran district.
Performing Self Pind Daan
In the Bhodasa village under the Saran district, a man named Rajendra Pandey, also known as Lalka Baba, has performed his own shraadh karma while alive. All the rituals that are usually performed by family members after death, he conducted them himself during his lifetime. He followed all the procedures meticulously for eleven days and performed his own pind daan.
Reason Behind Performing Self Shraadh
When asked about the reason for performing his own shraadh, Rajendra Pandey candidly mentioned that he is unmarried. He always worried about who would perform his last rites after his death. With this thought in mind, he decided to perform his own shraadh while alive so that he can attain salvation after death. The completion of the shraadh ritual has relieved him of this worry. The villagers are intrigued by this unique act and are discussing it among themselves.
Final Thoughts
Performing one’s own shraadh karma before death is a rare and unconventional practice. Rajendra Pandey’s decision to conduct his own last rites has sparked curiosity among the villagers. This act has raised questions about the significance of shraadh rituals and the beliefs associated with them. The unique case of self-shraadh has become a topic of conversation in the rural community, highlighting the cultural and spiritual practices prevalent in the region.
भोदसा गांव के रहने वाले राजेंद्र पाण्डेय ने अपनी जीती जिंदगी में ही खुद का श्राद्ध कराने का निर्णय लिया। उन्होंने अविवाहित होने के कारण इस निर्णय पर पहुंचा और इससे उनकी आत्मा को संतुष्टि मिलेगी। उन्होंने अपने जीवन में विधि-विधान के साथ अंतिम संस्कार करवाने का फैसला किया। इस कार्रवाई से ग्रामीणों के बीच उनकी चर्चा हो रही है और लोग इसे कौतूहल से देख रहे हैं।