Police arrested a father for drinking alcohol in Purnia. The son reported his father’s bad habit of drinking alcohol. The father often verbally abused and physically assaulted his family members while being intoxicated. The son decided to complain about his father’s behavior to the police.

The police took action based on the son’s confidential information. They arrested the father for his addiction to alcohol and the harm it caused to his family. The son’s decision to report his father’s actions shows his concern for the well-being of his family members.

The arrest serves as a reminder that alcohol abuse can have severe consequences not only for the individual but also for their loved ones. It is essential to address such issues and seek help to overcome addiction and prevent further harm to oneself and others.

This incident highlights the importance of open communication and support within families to tackle problems like alcohol addiction. The son’s courage to report his father’s behavior demonstrates the need for intervention and assistance in such situations.

पिता को गिरफ्तार किया। पुलिस ने उसे शराब पीने के जुर्म में गिरफ्तार किया है। यह घटना पूर्णिया में हुई है, जहां एक बेटे ने अपने पिता को जेल भेज दिया है। पिता की शराब पीने की बुरी आदत थी और वह नशे में बहुत अधिक हो जाता था। इसके कारण वह अपने परिवार के सदस्यों के साथ बदसलूकी करता था। बेटे ने इसकी शिकायत की और पुलिस को गुप्त सूचना दी। इसके बाद पुलिस ने कार्रवाई की और पिता को गिरफ्तार किया।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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