In a significant development before the 2024 Lok Sabha and Jharkhand Assembly elections, a political alliance has started forming in the state. The opposition coalition, INDIA Gathbandhan, could face a major setback as leaders of the constituent parties are changing sides. Former Pradesh Adhyaksh of TMC, Madhukar Singh, has joined JDU in the state. This move could have a significant impact on the alliance.

Dr. Ashok Choudhary, a minister in the Bihar government, wrote on social media platform X, “Inspired by the working style of successful Chief Minister of Bihar, Shri Nitish Kumar, and the ideology of JDU, former Pradesh Adhyaksh of TMC, Shri Madhukar Singh, has joined our party. We welcome you to the JDU family and believe that your experience will bring new energy and strength to the party. Let us join hands and provide strength to the honorable leader, Shri Nitish Kumar.”

Madhukar Singh, the former Pradesh Adhyaksh of TMC, is known as a prominent leader in Jharkhand. He played a crucial role in securing a respectable vote share for TMC in the previous elections.

The year 2024 holds great significance for Jharkhand in several ways. On one hand, parties in the INDIA Gathbandhan are coming together to challenge BJP in the Lok Sabha elections. On the other hand, parties could face each other directly in the Assembly elections. As a result, there is intense political maneuvering and rivalry among the parties involved in the alliance.

2024 में लोकसभा और झारखंड विधानसभा चुनाव से पहले सूबे में सियासी गठजोड़ का दौर शुरू हो गया है। विपक्षी एकजुटता INDIA गठबंधन को बड़ा झटका लग सकता है। सूबे में TMC के पूर्व प्रदेश अध्यक्ष मधुकर सिंह ने जदयू का दामन थाम लिया है। बिहार सरकार में मंत्री डॉ अशोक चौधरी ने सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफार्म X पर लिखा कि झारखंड में 2024 का साल कई मायनों में बेहद खास है। एक तरफ लोकसभा चुनाव में INDIA गठबंधन में शामिल पार्टियां भाजपा को एक साथ चुनौती देने की कवायद में जुटी हैं। वहीं विधानसभा चुनाव में पार्टियां एक दूसरे के आमने सामने आ सकती हैं। ऐसे में गठबंधन में शामिल पार्टियों के बीच काट-छांट के चलते सियासी पारा जमकर हाई हो रहा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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