Review of the Sweeping Program by Patna District Administration
On Friday, the District Magistrate of Patna, along with election officials, reviewed the sweeping program in Patna Sahib and Pataliputra Lok Sabha constituencies. They directed all assistant election officials to ensure the distribution of voter information pamphlets to voters in a mission mode. Distribution camps were set up in public places in villages and urban wards to provide voter information pamphlets to voters. It was emphasized that timely distribution of these pamphlets to all voters is a top priority.
Action Against Offenders
The District Magistrate mentioned that strict action would be taken against those responsible for any irregularities. Help desks were set up at visible locations to assist voters in obtaining voter information pamphlets. Assistant election officials were instructed to closely monitor the distribution of pamphlets in their respective constituencies and provide daily progress reports. Daily checks were to be conducted to ensure that all voters receive the necessary information.
Incentives for Voters Showing Ink Stain
Voting is scheduled to take place in Patna Sahib and Pataliputra Lok Sabha constituencies on June 1st. Voters are offered free transportation from home to the polling booths and back. Voters showing an ink stain on their finger at selected locations are eligible for discounts at various establishments. This initiative aims to encourage voter turnout and participation in the elections.
Discounts and Offers for Voters
Various businesses have announced discounts for voters showing the ink stain after voting. These offers include discounts on gym memberships, purchases at local shops, bakery items, and cinema tickets. The aim is to incentivize voters to exercise their democratic right and participate in the electoral process.
पटना जिला प्रशासन ने प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस करके जानकारी दी कि पटना साहिब और पाटलिपुत्र लोकसभा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रों में मतदाताओं को मतदाता सूचना पर्ची का वितरण करने के लिए स्वीप कार्यक्रम का समीक्षा किया गया। उन्होंने सभी सहायक निर्वाची पदाधिकारियों को मिशन मोड में काम करने के निर्देश दिए और मतदाताओं को मतदाता सूचना पर्ची का समय पर वितरण सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कहा। उन्होंने दोषियों के खिलाफ सख्त कार्रवाई की भी धमकी दी और मतदाताओं को छूट प्रदान करने के लिए विभिन्न स्थानों पर योजनाएं बताई। इसके साथ ही उन्होंने मतदान करने वालों को विभिन्न सुविधाएं भी प्रदान करने का ऐलान किया।