Angry family members staged a protest as the body of Abhishek Kumar, a police officer deployed in Bhagalpur district, arrived. The incident of suicide by Abhishek has caused a stir in the area. As soon as the body of Abhishek, who was posted as a sergeant at the Charki police station, arrived, the villagers blocked the main Sherghati road. The body of Abhishek is still on the police vehicle. The road has been completely jammed by the people.
According to the family members and villagers, Abhishek was under a lot of stress. They claim that he was being harassed by his superiors and was not given proper support. The villagers are demanding a thorough investigation into the matter and justice for Abhishek’s family.
This incident has once again raised concerns about the mental health of police personnel. It highlights the need for better support systems and counseling services for officers who face immense pressure and stress in their line of duty. The government and police authorities must take immediate steps to address these issues and ensure the well-being of their personnel.
The protest by Abhishek’s family and villagers is a stark reminder of the impact of work-related stress and the need for a more compassionate and understanding approach towards mental health in the police force. It is important to provide adequate support and resources to officers to prevent such tragic incidents in the future.
और अवसाद में था और उसे तंग आने पर उसने आत्महत्या कर ली। मृतक के परिजनों ने इस मामले में न्याय की मांग की है और पुलिस को दोषी ठहराया है। पुलिस ने इस मामले की जांच शुरू कर दी है और आरोपितों को गिरफ्तार करने की कोशिश कर रही है। इसके बावजूद, परिजन और गांव वाले इस मामले में न्याय की दिशा में आगे बढ़ने की मांग कर रहे हैं।