Protesters gathered in opposition to a crime in Danapur, Patna, where criminals shot and killed a young man. The police recovered the body of the young man from a plastic factory in Nasriganj. On Friday, the identity of the young man was revealed to be Amit Kumar, son of Vinay Rai, a resident of Digha in Patna. As soon as the identity of the body was known, the villagers became furious. The people blocked the Gandhi Maidan road in Patna and held a protest, demanding the arrest of the criminals. This caused a lot of inconvenience for the general public.
It should be noted that the police in Danapur recovered the body of a young man from a plastic factory in Nasriganj on Thursday. The young man was shot and killed. Despite several efforts, the police were unable to identify the young man. In order to identify him, the police published his photo through social media, along with the nearby police stations.
The protesters demanded the arrest of the criminals involved in the murder. The incident has caused a lot of distress for the common people.
दानापुर में अपराधियों ने एक युवक की हत्या कर दी है। पुलिस ने युवक की लाश को नासरीगंज के एक फैक्ट्री से बरामद किया है। युवक की पहचान के बाद गांव के लोग पटना में प्रदर्शन कर रहे हैं और अपराधियों की गिरफ्तारी की मांग कर रहे हैं। यह घटना आम लोगों को काफी परेशान कर रही है। पुलिस ने युवक की पहचान के लिए सोशल मीडिया के माध्यम से उनका फोटो प्रकाशित किया है।