A woman in Purnia, Bihar, was divorced by her husband after he demanded dowry and it was not fulfilled. The woman alleges that her husband was asking for the items specified in the dowry and 1 lakh rupees to be brought from her parents’ house. When these demands were not met, the husband physically assaulted her and then pushed her out of the house along with their three children. He is now threatening her to remarry.

The victim, Shabnam Khatoon, is now helpless and struggling to find a place to stay after being thrown out of her own home. She has filed a complaint at the women’s police station in Purnia, seeking justice for the dowry harassment and domestic violence she has endured. The police have registered a case against her husband and are investigating the matter.

Dowry harassment and domestic violence continue to be prevalent issues in many parts of India, despite legal provisions against them. Women like Shabnam Khatoon suffer both physically and emotionally due to these practices. It is essential for society to address and condemn such actions, and for the law enforcement agencies to take strict action against the perpetrators.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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