Vikram Kumar Jha/Purnia: People always want to experience new things in their daily lives. As times change, there are continuous changes in things as well. Many times, people have the desire to make something new out of old things. Currently, there is a trend among the youth of Purnia to eat smoke biscuits. The youth of Purnia are reaching this place to eat smoke biscuits, and after feeling the smoke, they are enjoying it and having a great time. However, this is harmful to our bodies. CS Abhay Prakash Choudhary has provided detailed information on this.

Customers who came to eat smoke biscuits for the first time said that they had never eaten smoke biscuits in their lives before. It felt strange to them before eating it, but when they ate the smoke biscuits, they liked it a lot. They say that they have not suffered any harm from these smoke biscuits. It just feels cooler in their mouths while eating. Because of this, they are coming to eat smoke biscuits enthusiastically.

Find out how smoke biscuits are made. Shopkeeper Yousuf, who came to sell smoke biscuits at the Disneyland Fair in the Catholic Church campus in Purnia, says that although it is a regular biscuit that they buy from the open market, the way to feed it is different. They take it out in their liquid nitrogen gas and dip the biscuit in it. They keep shaking the biscuit in liquid nitrogen gas for a while. When its coldness decreases, they give it to the customers to eat. Customers enjoy eating the biscuit. After eating the biscuit, smoke starts coming out of their mouths and noses. That is why people are coming to their shop to eat smoke biscuits.

Civil surgeon explains the advantages or disadvantages of eating smoke biscuits. Dr. Abhay Prakash Choudhary, a civil surgeon at Purnia Government Medical College, says that there is no harm to people from nitrogen gas. People enjoy eating smoke biscuits when the temperature of the nitrogen gas is high, but it can also have several side effects. Civil surgeons say that eating smoke biscuits can cause problems in people’s throats. It can also pose a risk of other problems such as cold and cough. Its temperature is cold, which some people cannot tolerate. In such cases, people should avoid eating smoke biscuits. Although they say that the trend of smoke biscuits is done for attraction in weddings or big parties in the summer season, it can also cause various harms to people.

पूर्णिया के युवाओं के बीच स्मोक बिस्किट का प्रचलन बढ़ रहा है। युवाओं को इसका स्वाद आच्छा लग रहा है और उन्हें खाने के बाद धुआं निकलना भी पसंद आ रहा है। इसके बावजूद, सिविल सर्जन अभय प्रकाश चौधरी के अनुसार स्मोक बिस्किट खाने से गले में समस्याएं और सर्द-जुकाम जैसी समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। इसलिए, लोगों को स्मोक बिस्किट का सेवन करने से परहेज करना चाहिए।

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