The Rail Police in Muzaffarpur have launched a continuous campaign against a gang involved in mobile snatching and drug peddling. As part of this series, they have arrested a cunning member of the drug peddling gang. A tablet of drugs was also seized from him. Raids are being conducted to arrest his other accomplices.
On Friday, the Railway Security Force’s station in-charge, Manoj Yadav, received information that a member of the drug peddling gang was present in the area. Acting on the tip-off, the police team apprehended him and recovered a tablet of drugs from his possession. The arrested individual is believed to be involved in several cases of mobile snatching and drug peddling.
The Rail Police in Muzaffarpur have been actively working to curb crimes related to mobile snatching and drug peddling. They have been conducting regular campaigns and operations to apprehend the culprits involved in such activities. This recent arrest is a significant step towards cracking down on the drug peddling gang and ensuring the safety of the railway passengers in the region. Raids are currently underway to arrest the other members of the gang and put an end to their illegal activities.
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