Ritesh Kumar, a resident of Samastipur, Bihar, found inspiration for his business idea on YouTube. He started a business of making paper plates and now earns around 70-80 thousand rupees per month. He mentioned that he used to watch startup videos on YouTube in his free time and one day came across a video about making paper plates. This sparked his interest and he decided to start his own paper plate business.
In the beginning, Ritesh faced many difficulties, but as the demand for his product grew, he installed another machine after a year. Now, he is able to produce paper plates with both machines. He mentioned that even though they have two machines, the demand from customers is still high. Ritesh believes that in the future, his business will continue to expand.
Ritesh Kumar Singh shared that he started his business after watching YouTube videos. Now, his business is running successfully and he is providing employment to three to four people from his village. Previously, people used to migrate to other states for employment, but now they are able to find jobs in the village itself. By cutting expenses, Ritesh earns an income of around 70-80 thousand rupees per month. He sells paper plates in places like Tajpur, Musrigharari, Sarairanjan, and Samastipur. He plans to further expand his business in the future.
रितेश कुमार ने यूट्यूब से बिजनेस का आइडिया लिया और पेपर प्लेट बनाने की शुरुआत की। शुरुआत में मुश्किलें थीं, लेकिन धीरे-धीरे लोगों की डिमांड बढ़ने लगी। अब वह महीने में 70 से 80 हजार रुपए की कमाई कर रहें हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि आने वाले समय में वे इस बिजनेस को और बड़ा करने की योजना बना रहे हैं और गांव के लोगों को रोजगार भी मिल रहा है।