The final list of seat sharing for the Lok Sabha elections is yet to be announced, but there is already a war of words among the leaders of the Mahagathbandhan. After Bhai Veerendra, now Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLA and former Chief Minister Rabri Devi’s outspoken brother Sunil Singh has indirectly criticized Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. He wrote on social media that no matter what anyone says, the truth is that Tejashwi Prasad Yadav is the real hero of the employment model in Bihar. He has fulfilled his promise of providing government jobs to 217,000 unemployed people in just 70 days, setting a new world record. Sunil Singh further wrote that Tejashwi Yadav’s promise was not just an election gimmick.

Earlier this week, during a media interaction at the Janata Dal United (JDU) state office, Bihar government minister and close aide of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Vijay Chaudhary, had said that our government is providing employment to the youth in Bihar. We are running it as a campaign. Two lakh people have been given jobs only in the education department. Later that evening, in a cabinet meeting chaired by Nitish Kumar, a decision was taken to provide two lakh rupees for employment to members of economically weak families. Sunil Singh’s statement is now going viral in the political circles.

On Monday, RJD MLA Bhai Veerendra had made comments about Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. During a media interaction, he had said that Nitish Kumar became the Chief Minister with the blessings of RJD supremo Lalu Prasad Yadav. RJD is the big brother in the Bihar government and Mahagathbandhan. RJD has 79 MLAs. Younger brother Nitish Kumar became the Chief Minister with the blessings of RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav.

महागठबंधन के नेताओं के बीच लोकसभा चुनाव की सीट शेयरिंग की फाइनल लिस्ट के पहले ही भाई वीरेंद्र के बाद राष्ट्रीय जनता दल के एमएलसी सुनील सिंह ने बिना नाम लिए सीएम नीतीश कुमार को आईना दिखाया है। उन्होंने सोशल मीडिया पर लिखा है कि तेजस्वी यादव द्वारा किया गया वादा कोई चुनावी जुमला नहीं था। सुनील सिंह ने आगे लिखा कि तेजस्वी यादव ने करोड़ों बच्चों के भविष्य संवारने के उद्देश्य से कुल 217000 बेरोजगारों को सरकारी नौकरी प्रदत कर एक नया वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड स्थापित किया है। इसके बाद राजद विधायक भाई वीरेंद्र ने भी कहा था कि नीतीश कुमार राजद प्रमुख लालू प्रसाद यादव के आशीर्वाद से ही मुख्यमंत्री बने हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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