Construction work resumes on Chief Minister Village Road Scheme in Bathnaha

After four years, construction work has finally resumed on the Chief Minister Village Road Scheme near the playground in Maujampatti, Bathnaha. The contractor has started laying exemplary roads on the broken roads in various places in Bathnaha village. The villagers of Bathnaha had been facing difficulties due to the incomplete road construction that started four years ago. Taking note of their plight, Bhaskar raised this issue as a priority.

Contractor Laltu Kumar begins filling potholes in Bathnaha village

The contractor, Laltu Kumar, who is overseeing the road construction work in Bathnaha village, mentioned that the leveling work will be done in the village. Therefore, the broken patches and potholes are being filled. Even after so many years of independence, the people of Bathnaha village were still forced to walk on unpaved roads. Walking becomes difficult during the rainy season.

Residents demand road construction in Bathnaha village

Four years ago, the foundation stone for road construction was laid in response to the demand of the villagers. However, the work was left incomplete after a few days. The villagers were left with no choice but to walk on the unfinished road. The construction work has now resumed, bringing relief to the residents of Bathnaha village.

मौजमपट्टी खेल मैदान के पास से बथनाहा जाने वाली मुख्यमंत्री ग्राम सड़क योजना पर चार साल बाद दोबारा निर्माण कार्य शुरू हो गया है। ठेकेदार ने बथनाहा गांव में टूटी सड़कों को ठीक करने का काम शुरू किया है। बथनाहा के ग्रामीणों की चिंता को देखते हुए भास्कर ने इस मुद्दे को उठाया था और अब सड़क निर्माण कार्य शुरू हो गया है। ठेकेदार ने बताया कि ढलाई कार्य किया जा रहा है और टूटे हिस्सों को भरा जा रहा है। ग्रामीणों की मांग पर चार साल पहले शुरू हुए सड़क निर्माण कार्य को अब पूरा किया जा रहा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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