In a shocking incident, thieves broke into the house of the headman and a businessman in the Mansurnagar locality of Bihar Sharif’s Sohsarai police station. The incident of theft at the headman’s house has raised suspicions, as some suspicious activities were captured on CCTV footage. Upon receiving information about the theft, the police from Sohsarai and Laheri police stations have launched an investigation in the surrounding areas.
The theft has caused panic among the residents of Mansurnagar as it occurred at the house of the local headman and a prominent businessman. The thieves managed to enter the house and steal valuable items, leaving the belongings scattered. The incident has raised concerns about the security situation in the area.
The police have obtained CCTV footage from the vicinity, which shows some suspicious individuals near the scene of the crime. The investigation is still ongoing, and the police are working to identify and apprehend the culprits. The incident has also highlighted the need for increased security measures in residential areas to prevent such incidents in the future.
Overall, the theft at the house of the headman and businessman in Mansurnagar has caused alarm in the community. The police are actively investigating the case and are determined to bring the culprits to justice. The incident serves as a reminder for residents to be vigilant and for authorities to enhance security measures to ensure the safety of the residents.