Unique Flavors of Bihari Cuisine

Bihar has a unique identity when it comes to its cuisine, with dishes that are famous both within the country and abroad. One such delicacy is the ‘Balushahi’ from Seetamadhi’s Runnisaidpur, which is known for its delicious taste. Made with a special ratio of suji and sugar syrup, this traditional sweet has the unique quality of staying fresh for up to ten days without refrigeration, making it a popular choice for people from Seetamadhi to foreign countries.

Historical Significance and Growing Demand

With a history dating back hundreds of years, Balushahi has become a well-known and sought-after sweet over time. The demand for this sweet has grown not only in Bihar but also outside the state, with people bringing it as a gift for friends and family. Local shops in Runnisaidpur sell Balushahi for a reasonable price, and the business has expanded to cater to special occasions like weddings, where the demand for this sweet skyrockets.

Business Growth and Community Involvement

The sale of Balushahi in Runnisaidpur has become a thriving business, with over 200 families involved in the trade. The community takes pride in their local sweets like Balushahi, believing that gaining a GI tag for this delicacy could elevate the area’s national recognition and contribute to its overall development. Despite the competitive market, efforts are being made to ensure the continued success and growth of this traditional sweet in the region.

सीतामढ़ी की रुन्नीसैदपुर की बालूशाही एक विशेष पहचान बन चुकी है। यह मिठाई छेने के साथ सुजी और चीनी की चाशनी में बनती है और फ्रीज के बिना दस दिनों तक ताजगी बनाए रखती है। इसकी डिमांड देश-विदेश में है और यहां के लोग इसे खास मानते हैं। इसकी बिक्री दर भी काफी किफायती है और इसे लोग शादी-विवाह और अन्य खास मौकों पर भी पसंद करते हैं। रुन्नीसैदपुर में इसकी बिक्री का व्यापार उजड़ा है और इससे कई परिवार जुड़े हुए हैं।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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