Can the Leaves of a Flower Cure Diabetes?
If we tell you that by eating the leaves of a flower, you can get rid of diabetes, how would you feel? While some people may be aware of this, it may come as a surprise to most. According to Ayurveda, it is true that consuming the leaves of the periwinkle flower can help you get rid of diabetes. According to Ayurvedic experts, consuming the leaves of the periwinkle flower can help eliminate up to 95% of the problem of diabetes. In the past, only people above the age of 50 used to complain of diabetes, but now due to genetics, even younger people are becoming victims. In such cases, you can use the leaves of the periwinkle flower to alleviate this problem.
Effectiveness in Malaria and Sore Throat
According to Ayurveda, diabetes is a metabolic disorder of the kapha type, in which the digestive fire starts to decrease and blood sugar levels start to rise. Ayurvedic experts recommend the use of the periwinkle flower to control spikes in blood sugar. However, its use has also been prevalent in Chinese medicine for a long time. It is a herbal treatment for diabetes, malaria, sore throat, and leukemia. It is believed that the plant contains more than 100 alkaloids, including vincristine and vinblastine, which are known for their medicinal benefits.
Method of Use
According to Ayurvedic experts, to get rid of diabetes, dry the fresh leaves of the periwinkle flower and make them into a powder. Store the powder in a container. Then, in the morning, consume 1 teaspoon of the powder mixed with water or fresh fruit juice on an empty stomach. In addition to this, you can chew 3-4 leaves of the periwinkle plant throughout the day to prevent sudden increases in blood sugar. However, boiling freshly plucked periwinkle flowers in water and drinking the bitter liquid on an empty stomach can also significantly lower blood sugar levels.
आशीष कुमार या पश्चिम चम्पारण के अनुसार, ब्लड शुगर को कम करने के लिए सदाबहार फूल की पत्तियों का सेवन किया जा सकता है। आयुर्वेद के अनुसार, यह फूल बीमारी की समस्या को समाप्त कर सकता है। कुछ लोगों को इसकी जानकारी होती है, लेकिन अधिकांश लोगों को इसके बारे में अज्ञात होता है। इस फूल में मौजूद हाइपोग्लेमिक गुण ब्लड शुगर को कम करने में मदद करते हैं। इसका इस्तेमाल चीनी दवाओं में भी होता है और मधुमेह, मलेरिया, गले में खराश और ल्यूकेमिया को मैनेज करने के लिए भी उपयोगी है। आयुर्वेदाचार्य सलाह देते हैं कि इसे सुबह के समय चाय के रूप में या पत्ती चबाकर लेना चाहिए। इसके अलावा, इसका पाउडर बनाकर भी सेवन किया जा सकता है।