Ritesh Kumar from Samastipur, Bihar has found success in lemon cultivation, earning a monthly income of 1.80 lakhs. Five years ago, Ritesh started lemon farming in Gangasara village, but faced low production in the initial stages. However, after discussing with his fellow farmers and implementing their ideas, Ritesh is now achieving good yields. Currently, he has around 242 lemon plants in his fields.

The lemon plant that Ritesh cultivates is a paper variety, costing him 200 rupees per plant. The lifespan of this plant is approximately 12 years, and it has a high fruiting capacity, producing around 3000 to 5000 fruits per plant. This paper variety lemon is superior to other lemon varieties, allowing farmers to achieve better production. Ritesh started lemon farming with the help of his fellow farmers, and now his fields have flourished with 242 plants.

During a conversation, Ritesh mentioned that they started lemon farming in their 28 kathha (approximately 0.37 acres) land five years ago. Initially, they were the only ones cultivating lemon in the area, but now many farmers have started lemon farming after seeing their success. This crop is not only good in terms of production but also in terms of profitability. With proper care and management, the lemon crop yields good profits. In their 28 kathha land, they harvest the crop around three times a month, with each harvest yielding approximately 15,000 to 20,000 lemons. These lemons sell for 3 rupees per piece in the market, resulting in a monthly income of around 1.80 lakhs, which is better than other crops.

Source: Local18, Samastipur News (Published on December 6, 2023, 14:26 IST)

समस्तीपुर जिले के गंगासारा गांव के किसान रितेश कुमार ने पांच साल पहले नींबू की बागवानी की शुरुआत की थी। शुरुआती दौर में उत्पादन कम होने के कारण उन्हें चिंता हुई, लेकिन उन्होंने अपने सहपाठी से आइडिया लिया और अब वे अच्छा उत्पादन कर रहे हैं। नींबू का यह कागजी वैरायटी का पौधा 200 रुपए का होता है और 12 साल तक फलता है। इस पौधे का फलन शक्ति भी अधिक होती है और इससे किसान अच्छा उत्पादन प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। रितेश कुमार के खेतों में 242 पौधे हैं और वह महीने में 1.80 लाख की कमाई कर रहे हैं। नींबू की खेती अन्य फसलों की तुलना में अच्छी होती है।

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