In Betiya, the in-laws murdered their daughter-in-law by strangling her to death for a sum of one lakh rupees and a bullet bike. After the incident, they fled the house. The incident took place in the Somgarh Panchayat of the Betiya district. Upon receiving the information, the police arrived at the scene and took possession of the deceased’s body to send it for postmortem at the Betiya Government Medical College Hospital for further investigation. The victim has been identified as Shahnaz Khatoon (25), the wife of Asgar Mian, a resident of the Somgarh village.
The details of the incident suggest that the Ramnagar police station was involved in the crime. The police are currently investigating the case and are working to apprehend the culprits. The motive behind the murder seems to be greed for money and material possessions. The in-laws’ act of strangling their daughter-in-law and fleeing the scene indicates a premeditated plan.
The incident has shocked the local community and raised concerns about the safety of married women in the area. The police are determined to bring the culprits to justice and ensure that such heinous crimes do not go unpunished. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge as the case progresses.