Incident of Ragging in a Bihar School
A senior student at Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Scheduled Caste Residential Plus Two School in Company Bagh, Bhagalpur, Bihar, has been accused of ragging a fifth-year student. The victim alleges that the senior student beat him, forced him to take a cold shower, and made him stand on the roof for half an hour. The victim belongs to Kahalganv village and his family demanded strict action against the accused. However, no formal complaint has been lodged with the police.
Actions Taken by the School
The principal of the school, Vinod Kumar, has suspended the accused student from the hostel and he will continue his studies from home for the 12th-grade exams. The local police were also informed about the incident but no written complaint has been filed yet. The police will take action once a complaint is received.
Resolution Reached between the Parents
The parents of both students were called to the school to resolve the matter. After discussions, an agreement was reached to avoid such incidents in the future. The accused student has been suspended from the hostel and the victim’s mother demanded strict action to prevent such incidents from happening again.
Eviction Order for Students in PG Hostel
After the completion of the semester four exams in TM Bhagalpur University, the authorities issued an order to vacate the PG hostels within three days. The authorities will inspect the hostels after the vacation and take necessary actions if any students are found violating the rules.
भागलपुर के कंपनीबाग स्थित बाबा साहेब डॉ भीमराव आंबेडकर अनुसूचित जाति आवासीय प्लस टू विद्यालय में सीनियर छात्र द्वारा पांचवीं छात्र के साथ रैंगिंग करने का मामला सामने आया है। पीड़ित छात्र ने आरोप लगाया है कि उसे नाश्ता नहीं लाने और प्लेट नहीं धोने पर सीनियर छात्र ने उसे पिटाई की, उसे ठंडे पानी से नहलाया और छत पर आधे घंटे तक खड़ा रखा। इस मामले को लेकर पीड़ित छात्र के परिजनों ने स्कूल में हंगामा किया और कठोर कार्रवाई की मांग की। स्कूल के प्राचार्य ने छात्र को हॉस्टल से निलंबित कर दिया है और पुलिस भी मामले की जांच कर रही है। इसके अलावा भागलपुर में छेड़खानी मामले में स्कूल के प्राचार्य की खोज तेज हो रही है और प्राचार्य अमल राज द्वारा छात्रा के साथ छेड़खानी और रेप के प्रयास के आरोपों के बाद उसे गिरफ्तार करने की कोशिश की जा रही है।