Severe Storm Hits Kishanganj
A severe storm accompanied by heavy rain hit Kishanganj on Wednesday night. Many families lost their maize crops and mud houses, causing extensive damage worth lakhs of rupees. The weather took a sudden turn in the evening after a scorching hot day in the district.
Destruction in Thakurganj Block
At around 9:30 PM on Wednesday night, a fierce storm with strong winds and rain wreaked havoc in several areas, including Thakurganj block. Many houses were destroyed, and traffic was disrupted due to the fall of large trees in various intersections. The storm caused power lines and poles to fall, leading to power outages in both urban and rural areas.
Millions in Losses
During the storm, many residents like Maulana Khush Mohammad, Shoaib Raja, Ishak, and Musharraf, witnessed their homes completely destroyed. The roofs of several houses were blown away, leaving many homeless. Additionally, the standing crops of farmers were destroyed, resulting in losses worth lakhs of rupees.
Forced to Seek Shelter
As a result of the devastation, some people had to abandon their homes and seek shelter in schools and government buildings. The storm has left a trail of destruction in Kishanganj, with authorities initiating repair work on power lines and poles to restore electricity in the affected areas.
किशनगंज में बुधवार की रात तेज बारिश के साथ भयंकर आंधी आई है, जिससे कई परिवारों के मक्के और कच्चे मकान उड़ गए हैं। ठाकुरगंज प्रखंड क्षेत्र में भीषण आंधी से लोगों का लाखों का नुकसान हुआ है, जिसमें बिजली के खंभे और तार भी गिर गए हैं। किसानों की खड़ी फसलें भी नष्ट हो गई हैं और कई लोगों के घरों के छत भी उड़ गई है। इसके चलते कई लोगों ने स्कूलों और सरकारी भवनों में पलायन करने का फैसला किया है।