Ara (Bhojpur): Harsh firing during a wedding ceremony in the Dekuda village of the Charpokhari police station area in Bhojpur district left a boy from Sitamadhi injured. The incident led to the filing of a complaint against three individuals, including the girl’s father, at the Charpokhari police station. According to the statement given by the appointed security guard Kameshwar Prasad Singh in Charpokhari, Sanjay Tiwari, a resident of Dekuda village in the Charpokhari police station area, along with his son Suraj Tiwari alias Bhutwa, and two other individuals were named. Sanjay had arranged for firing by his son’s friends. The incident occurred when the wedding procession was about to enter the door.

The incident took place during a wedding ceremony in the Dekuda village of the Charpokhari police station area in Bhojpur district. A boy from Sitamadhi was injured due to the firing. As a result, a complaint was filed against the girl’s father and two other individuals at the Charpokhari police station. The appointed security guard, Kameshwar Prasad Singh, stated that Sanjay Tiwari, a resident of Dekuda village, along with his son Suraj Tiwari alias Bhutwa, and two others were involved in the incident. Sanjay had arranged for his son’s friends to carry out the firing. The incident occurred when the wedding procession was about to enter the door.

A boy from Sitamadhi was injured during a wedding ceremony in the Dekuda village of the Charpokhari police station area in Bhojpur district. The incident involved firing, which led to a complaint being filed against the girl’s father and two others at the Charpokhari police station. The security guard, Kameshwar Prasad Singh, stated that Sanjay Tiwari, a resident of Dekuda village, along with his son Suraj Tiwari alias Bhutwa, and two other individuals were involved in the incident. Sanjay had arranged for his son’s friends to carry out the firing. The incident occurred when the wedding procession was about to enter the door.

In the Dekuda village of the Charpokhari police station area in Bhojpur district, a boy from Sitamadhi was injured during a wedding ceremony due to firing. As a result, a complaint was filed against the girl’s father and two others at the Charpokhari police station. The security guard, Kameshwar Prasad Singh, provided a statement naming Sanjay Tiwari, a resident of Dekuda village, along with his son Suraj Tiwari alias Bhutwa, and two other individuals. Sanjay had arranged for his son’s friends to carry out the firing. The incident occurred when the wedding procession was about to enter the door.

बजे शादी समारोह में हुई हर्ष फायरिंग से बालक को गोली लगी थी। इस मामले में चरपोखरी थाना में लड़की के पिता समेत तीन लोगों पर प्राथमिकी कराई गई है। चौकीदार के बयान के आधार पर तीन लोगों को नामजद किया गया है और उन्होंने अपने बेटे के दोस्तों से फायरिंग कराई थी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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