Teachers Found Absent in Schools in Sitamarhi
Over two dozen teachers were found absent during inspections at various schools in Sitamarhi district. As a result, action has been taken against them, including a deduction in their one day’s salary. This action was taken as per the directions of the Principal Secretary KK Pathak to conduct regular inspections in government schools. Despite this, teachers are still found absent without prior notice.
Action Taken Against 27 Teachers
During inspections conducted from May 11 to May 15 in the district, 27 teachers who were absent without prior notice had their one day’s salary withheld. District Education Officer has demanded clarification through the BEO regarding this action taken against the teachers found absent during inspections.
Names of Teachers Facing Action
Among the teachers facing action for being absent without notice are Sunita Kumari from Chatvagadha Middle School in Bathnaha, Renu Kumari from Primary School Tatma Tola in Belsand, Mohammad Parvez Alam from Ram Bhelahi Dakshinwari Tola in Parihar, and others from different schools in the district.
सीतामढ़ी जिले में विभिन्न स्कूलों के निरीक्षण में अनुपस्थित रहने वाले शिक्षकों पर कार्रवाई की गई है और उनके एक दिन के वेतन में कटौती की गई है। निरीक्षण के दौरान अनुपस्थित रहने वाले 27 शिक्षकों पर कार्रवाई की गई है, जिसमें विभिन्न स्कूलों के शिक्षकों की शामिलता है। इसके अलावा, जिले में नियमित निरीक्षण की प्रक्रिया चल रही है और अनुपस्थित रहने वाले शिक्षकों पर कार्रवाई कर रहे हैं।