An SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal) soldier from Sitamarhi, R. Rohit Singh, who had gone missing from the Dumar police station area, has been found within two days. He was found near the Bairgania-Gaur border by the police. Singh had left the camp on a scooter to collect some items but did not return by evening, prompting the camp authorities to report his absence to the local police station.
The SSB soldier was reported missing on Wednesday afternoon from the camp of the 20th battalion located in the Pakatola area of Dumar. The police launched a search operation and were able to locate him near the Bairgania-Gaur border. Singh had left the camp on a scooter to collect some items from a nearby location. However, when he did not return by evening, the authorities informed the local police station about his disappearance.
It is not clear why Singh did not return to the camp as scheduled. The police are currently investigating the matter to determine the reasons behind his disappearance. The SSB soldier is now safe and is being questioned by the police to gather further information. The authorities are also looking into any possible security lapses that may have occurred in connection with his disappearance.