Struggle of Gaurav Singh/Bhojpur
The story of a young man’s struggle in Ara, Bihar is gaining a lot of attention. Through hard work, he has achieved success in not just one, but five government jobs. He has received praise for his selection in positions ranging from Railway Group D to Bihar Inspector and now Assistant Section Officer in the Secretariat. This achievement belongs to Angad Raj, a resident of Udawantnagar village. Coming from a very poor family, Angad Raj’s life has been full of struggles. His father is a farmer, his uncle is a small trader, and his grandfather is a retired jail soldier. The family managed to get by with his grandfather’s pension and his uncle’s meager income, but Angad’s education was not getting completed. As a result, he had to take tuitions to cover the cost of his studies since the 8th grade.
Government Job Journey
In 2019, Angad Raj got his first government job. He was selected for the Railway Group D in Mumbai. He used to live in the train yard and study, sleep, and even perform his duties there. Two years passed like this. After that, he was selected for the railway group D again, followed by Bihar Police as a Sub Inspector, but the family did not want him to pursue a career in the police. After that, he was selected as a Branch Officer in BPSC. Now, the result for the Assistant Section Officer (ASO) position has been announced.
Message of Struggle
Angad emphasized that one should not run away from struggle, but face it. Only then can you find a solution to the problem. Students who are preparing for reservations or corruption in the system should not cry. They should have faith in themselves and continue working hard. Success will surely come. Angad revealed that even while working an 8-hour job in the railway, he used to devote 10 hours to his studies. He is still not satisfied with his job. His dream is to become a Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) after clearing the BPSC exam and serve the people.
गौरव सिंह/भोजपुर उपनाम वाले अंगद राज की कहानी बिहार के आरा में चर्चा का विषय बनी है। उन्होंने मेहनत के बल पर एक नहीं बल्कि पांच सरकारी नौकरियों में सफलता हासिल की है। इनमें से कुछ नौकरियां रेलवे ग्रुप डी, बिहार पुलिस सब इंस्पेक्टर और सचिवालय सहायक की हैं। अंगद राज बेहद गरीब परिवार से हैं, लेकिन उनकी मेहनत और संघर्ष ने उन्हें सफलता दिलाई है। उन्होंने अपनी पढ़ाई के लिए टीयूशन करके पैसे इकट्ठे किए थे। वर्ष 2019 में उन्हें मुंबई में रेलवे ग्रुप डी की नौकरी मिली, जहां उन्होंने बिना घर छोड़े पढ़ाई की और नौकरी भी की। इसके बाद कई और सरकारी नौकरियों में चयनित होने के बावजूद उनका सपना बीपीएससी निकालने और डीएसपी बनने का है। यह कहानी दिखा रही है कि संघर्ष और मेहनत से कोई भी अपनी मंजिल प्राप्त कर सकता है।