Students at Magadh Mahila College in Patna created a ruckus after finding worms in their meals. According to the students, they had been finding worms in the mess food for the past month. Today, when they found worms in their food again, they complained to the mess staff, but instead of addressing their concerns, the staff misbehaved with the students. This angered all the students and led to a massive uproar.

Angry students protest against worm-infested meals
The students were furious and staged a protest against the presence of worms in their meals. They demanded immediate action from the college authorities to resolve the issue. The students were upset with the lack of hygiene in the mess and the negligence of the staff in providing them with clean and safe food.

College counselor addresses the issue
Priyanka, the college counselor, spoke about the incident and acknowledged the presence of worms in the meals. She assured the students that the matter would be taken seriously and appropriate action would be taken against the responsible parties. She also urged the students to remain calm and patient while the issue is being resolved.

Students demand better food quality
The students are now demanding better food quality and stricter hygiene measures in the mess. They want regular inspections to ensure that such incidents do not occur in the future. The college authorities have assured the students that their concerns will be addressed and measures will be taken to improve the quality of food served in the mess.

छात्राओं की शिकायत पर छात्रों ने मगध महिला कॉलेज में हंगामा किया। छात्रों का कहना है कि एक महीने से मेस के खाने में कीड़े मिल रहे थे और जब उन्हें आज भी कीड़ा मिला तो छात्राओं की शिकायत को नजरअंदाज करते हुए मेस के स्टाफ ने उनके साथ बदतमीजी की। इससे सभी छात्राएं आक्रोशित हो गई और बवाल काटा। कॉलेज काउंसलर प्रियंका ने बताया कि खाने में कीड़ा मिलने की घटना को लेकर छात्रों की शिकायत को गंभीरता से देखा जाएगा।

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