Tatanagar Railway Engineering Department launched a campaign on Wednesday to remove encroachments in the Keetadih wagon path. The aim of this campaign is to reclaim the railway’s land from illegal constructions and encroachments. The department is taking strict actions to remove unauthorized structures and houses that have been built on railway land without permission.

As part of the campaign, the railway department is conducting surveys to identify encroachments and illegal structures. Once identified, the department is taking necessary measures to remove these encroachments and reclaim the land. This step is crucial to ensure the smooth functioning of the railway and to prevent any further encroachments in the future.

The campaign is aimed at maintaining the integrity of the railway’s land and infrastructure. Encroachments not only pose a safety risk but also hinder the development and expansion of the railway network. By removing these encroachments, the railway department is ensuring that the land is used for its designated purpose and that there is no unauthorized occupation.

The Tatanagar Railway Engineering Department is committed to maintaining the railway’s assets and ensuring the safety and efficiency of the railway network. The campaign to remove encroachments in the Keetadih wagon path is a step towards achieving this goal. The department is working diligently to clear the encroachments and create a safe and secure environment for railway operations.

टाटानगर रेलवे इंजीनियरिंग विभाग ने बुधवार को कीताडीह गाड़ीवान पट्टी में अतिक्रमण हटाओ अभियान चलाया। इससे रेलवे की जमीन कब्जा कर अवैध रूप से मकान और व्यापारियों द्वारा बनाए गए संपत्तियों को हटाने का प्रयास किया गया। इस अभियान के माध्यम से एक संगठनित कार्रवाई के तहत अतिक्रमण के खिलाफ कानूनी कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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