A private school teacher in Bhagalpur committed suicide by hanging himself. The incident took place in the Shivpuri Colony of the Ishakchak police station area. The deceased has been identified as Anish Anand, a computer teacher at St. Teresa’s School. According to family members, Anish took this extreme step due to financial difficulties. He had recently gotten married.

Anish’s father, Jay Prakash Choudhary, revealed that his son was facing economic hardship, which led him to take this drastic step. The family is devastated by the loss and is struggling to come to terms with the tragic event. Anish’s wedding had taken place recently, adding to the shock and sorrow felt by his loved ones.

The exact reasons behind Anish’s financial problems are yet to be determined. The police are investigating the incident and gathering more information to understand the circumstances leading to his suicide. The local community is in shock and mourning the loss of a young and promising teacher.

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