India is primarily an agricultural country, and the economy of Bihar is also heavily dependent on farming. Farmers are always looking for crops that can provide them with better earnings. With changing times, the trend of farming is also changing, and farmers’ income is increasing. In this series, we are going to talk about a plant that can be grown to earn good profits. What makes it special is that it can be found in the kitchen and enhances the taste of various dishes.
Tejpatta Farming
Tejpatta, also known as Indian Bay Leaf, is commonly used as a spice. However, its cultivation was not popular until recently. Farmers did not consider it profitable, but now the demand has increased, and farmers in Chhapra, Bihar, have started growing it. After the increase in demand, the plant is also available in nurseries.
Profitability and Medicinal Benefits
Tejpatta farming is a low-cost venture that can provide good earnings. Maksood Alam Munna, a resident of Manjhi in Chhapra district, planted a trial crop and achieved good results. Other farmers also started demanding Tejpatta plants. The leaves can be harvested and sold after six months of planting. Munna mentioned that farmers were not aware of its benefits initially, but now they have gained knowledge about it. The plant is sold for Rs. 125 and can help farmers earn better profits. Tejpatta not only enhances the taste of dishes but also has medicinal properties and is used in the preparation of various medicines and Ayurvedic remedies.
छपरा, बिहार में रहने वाले विशाल कुमार ने तेजपत्ते की खेती करके अच्छी कमाई की है। छपरा के किसान इस पौधे की खेती में रुचि दिखाने लगे हैं और इसकी मांग भी बढ़ रही है। तेजपत्ते का पौधा कम लागत में उगाया जा सकता है और इससे अधिक मुनाफा कमाया जा सकता है। इसके अलावा, तेजपत्ते का उपयोग मसालों के रूप में होता है और यह अधिक स्वाद भी प्रदान करता है। तेजपत्ते का प्रयोग दवाओं के बनाने में भी होता है और आयुर्वेद में भी इसकी महत्ता है। इसकी खेती आसान है और इसके लिए अधिक पानी की भी जरूरत नहीं होती है। विशाल कुमार ने तेजपत्ते की खेती करके बढ़ाया है किसानों की आमदनी।