Ayodhya, a city in India, has become the center of attention as the construction of the Ram temple is underway. People from all over the country are walking thousands of kilometers to reach Ayodhya and be a part of this historic moment. One such person is a man who has been walking without wearing any footwear for the past 23 years. This shows his dedication and commitment towards the cause.
Similarly, in Dhanbad, a woman named Saraswati Devi has maintained silence for the past 30 years. She has chosen to remain silent until the manifestation of Lord Ram on January 22, 2024. It is believed that she will break her silence and express her devotion by touching the feet of Lord Ram when he is present in Ayodhya.
The 1990s saw a wave of emotions and movements across the country regarding the construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya. It was a time when people from all walks of life came together to support this cause. The dedication and sacrifice shown by individuals like the man walking barefoot and Saraswati Devi is a testament to the deep-rooted faith and devotion towards Lord Ram.
These acts of devotion and sacrifice not only symbolize the love and reverence for Lord Ram but also showcase the unity and determination of the people of India. The construction of the Ram temple in Ayodhya is not just a religious event but also a moment of pride for the entire nation. It brings people together and strengthens their belief in the values and traditions that hold the country together.
विवाद छिड़ रहा था, तब से धनबाद की सरस्वती देवी ने मौन व्रत रख लिया था। उनका यह व्रत 22 जनवरी 2024 को खत्म होगा, जब रामलला के विराजमान होने के बाद वे अपने मौन को तोड़ेंगी।