Tragic Incident in Buxar District

In Chhunni village of Buxar district, three buffaloes died after consuming poisonous feed, leaving their owner devastated. The villagers mentioned that for a poor farmer, these animals were his only support. Therefore, the affected livestock owner should receive proper compensation.

Details of the Incident

According to the information received, Guddu Yadav from the rural police station area had left his buffaloes to graze in the nearby field in the morning. The three buffaloes went to graze on the MP feed sown in the adjacent field, which had turned poisonous due to lack of water for irrigation. After consuming it, all three buffaloes died one after the other near the field.

Expert’s Opinion on the Cause

The village head along with a veterinary doctor, Veer Bahadur Singh, explained that the death of the three buffaloes in Chhunni village was due to consuming MP feed. He advised against feeding livestock with wilted green fodder during summers, as cyanide is formed in such feed. Regularly irrigating the fields is essential to prevent such incidents.

Precautions to Avoid Similar Incidents

Green fodder contains a substance called dhurrin in the leaves, which can turn into cyanide. Healthy leaves have an enzyme that neutralizes cyanide. However, when the leaves wilt, the enzyme loses its effectiveness, and cyanide continues to form. Consumption of such leaves can lead to the death of animals within two hours due to lack of oxygen-carrying capacity in hemoglobin. Thus, it is crucial to be cautious while feeding livestock to avoid such tragedies.

बक्सर जिले चुन्नी गांव में जहरीला चारा खाने से एक ही पशुपालक की तीन मवेशियों की मौत हो गई। ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि गरीब किसान के पास एक पशु ही सहारा था। इसलिए पीड़ित पशु पालक को उचित मुआवजा मिलना चाहिए। चुनी पंचायत के सरपंच सह पशु डॉक्टर वीर बहादुर सिंह ने बताया कि चुन्नी गांव में एमपी चारा खाने की वजह से तीन पशुओं की मौत हुई है। उन्होंने साइनाइड के बारे में जानकारी दी और सुझाव दिया कि गर्मी में झुलसे हुए हरे चारे को पालतू पशुओं को नहीं खिलाना चाहिए।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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