Major revelations have come to light in the case of the truck and warehouse seized with 9 million rupees worth of foreign liquor in the Digha police station area of Patna. The liquor bottles were brought to the police station in cartons and then sent to Bhagalpur from Patna for a wedding. The bottles were stored in a warehouse, and six bottles were taken out of the truck and kept in a barrel. Around 20-25 police officers and staff members, including the driver and others, are being questioned. If any involvement is found in this case, action will be taken against them.

The driver stationed at the police station had arranged a meeting between the liquor smuggler, father-son duo Vinod and Sonu, and the police station in-charge. An important role in this liquor racket is being played by the driver. The investigation is being monitored daily by the Senior Superintendent of Police, with three teams assigned to the case. Each case of liquor seized from the truck and warehouse has been registered separately, with the third case involving the seizure of the same brand of liquor from the police barracks.

Five police officers, including the police station in-charge, have been suspended in connection with this case, and two have been sent to jail. The SSP has suspended SI Phool Kumari, Constable Rajesh Kumar, and other police officers, while the police station in-charge has been exempted. The case has been registered against four other people at Digha police station. Phool Kumari and Rajesh have been arrested and sent to jail.

According to the SSP, three teams have been assigned to the case, along with a technical team. Anyone who comes under the purview of the investigation will be interrogated. The involvement of several police officers is coming to light, and if the investigation reveals the truth, action will be taken against them.

पटना के दीघा थाना इलाके में एक गाड़ी से 90 लाख की विदेशी शराब बरामद होने के बाद उसमें हुई गडबड़ी मामले में बड़ा खुलासा हुआ है। शराब की बोतलों को पुलिस की गाड़ी से थाना लाया गया और फिर उसे भागलपुर भेज दिया गया। भागलपुर में इसी थाने में तैनात एक पुलिस अधिकारी के रिश्तेदार के यहां शराब भेजी गई थी। इस मामले में करीब 20-25 पुलिस अधिकारियों से लेकर चालक और अन्य लोगों के मोबाइल का सीडीआर निकाला जा रहा है। जांच में अगर कहीं भी गडबड़ी की संलिप्तता मिलती है, तो उनपर कार्रवाई की जाएगी। इस मामले में पांच निलंबित और दो को जेल भेजा गया है। जांच अभी जारी है और संलिप्त लोगों के खिलाफ कार्रवाई की जाएगी।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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