Accident in Jamui

In Jamui, two students returning home after coaching were hit by an auto. One youth died in the incident, while the other was seriously injured. Local people gathered at the scene after the incident. The police from the Town police station arrived at the scene after receiving information and admitted both youths to Jamui Sadar Hospital, where one youth was declared dead by the doctor.

Victims Identified

The deceased youth has been identified as Rahul Kumar (18), son of a poor Yadav from Khairama village in the Thana area. The injured youth, Abhay Kumar, 28 years old, son of Rajesh Rawat from the Satgama area of the Thana region, was severely injured. The incident occurred near the Satgama area of Jamui Malaypur Station Road.

Details of the Accident

The family member, Niranjana Kumar, stated that the victims were returning home after studying when the accident occurred. The collision took place between a bike and a tempo near Sneh Rest House. Rahul lost his life in the incident, while the tempo fled the scene. The police are investigating the incident to gather more information.

Police Investigation

The Thana in-charge, Arun Kumar, mentioned that one youth died in the accident, and the police are in the process of conducting a post-mortem examination. The investigation into the incident is ongoing to ascertain the details and hold the responsible parties accountable.

जमुई में कोचिंग से पढ़कर घर लौट रहे दो छात्रों को एक ऑटो ने जबरदस्त टक्कर मार दी, जिसके कारण एक युवक की मौत हो गई और दूसरा युवक गंभीर रूप से घायल हो गया। घटना के बाद स्थानीय लोगों की भीड़ जुटी और पुलिस ने दोनों युवकों को अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया। एक युवक की मौत हो गई जबकि दूसरे को गंभीर चोटें आईं। युवक की पहचान हुई और उसके परिजनों का बुरा हाल है। घटना की जांच जारी है और टेंपो वाले को अब तक पकड़ा नहीं गया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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