Unlucky Plants for Home
According to Vastu Shastra, keeping several plants in the house is considered auspicious and is believed to bring progress to people’s lives. However, Vastu Shastra also warns that certain plants should be avoided at all costs to prevent negative energy from entering the home.
Avoid These Plants
Some of the plants that are considered unlucky to keep in the house according to Vastu Shastra include cactus, bonsai, and plants with thorns. These plants are believed to bring bad luck and negative energy into the home, hindering the growth and progress of the inhabitants.
Choose Wisely
It is important to choose plants carefully and follow the guidelines of Vastu Shastra to ensure a positive and harmonious environment in the home. By avoiding unlucky plants and selecting auspicious ones, one can create a peaceful and prosperous living space that promotes well-being and success.
यहां कुछ ऐसे पौधे हैं जो वास्तु शास्त्र के अनुसार घर में रखने से शुभ नहीं माने जाते हैं। इन पौधों को लगाने से व्यक्ति की तरक्की में बाधा हो सकती है। इसलिए, सभी को वास्तु के नियमों का पालन करते हुए अपने घर में पौधे लगाने चाहिए।