In a unique wedding in Bhagalpur, Bihar, the groom put the wedding garland on someone else’s neck and took the brides to his house. The wedding took place in the Tarar Khiridar village of Sanhaula Thana area in Bhagalpur. After completing the rituals of exchanging garlands and feeding each other sweets, the bride made an excuse to go to the washroom and ran away with her lover. This incident caused a stir in both families.
The baraat returned to the village without the bride, but the groom remained adamant on getting married. He sat on a dharna outside the bride’s house. Despite attempts by relatives to arrange another marriage in the village, the groom refused. Eventually, the groom got married to a girl from Shyampur village the next day. The wedding ceremony took place with great pomp and show at the Baba Manaskamana Nath Temple in Bhagalpur.
Overall, this unique wedding incident has become a topic of discussion in Bhagalpur, Bihar. The groom’s determination to get married despite the bride’s elopement has caught everyone’s attention.
भागलपुर में हुई एक अनोखी शादी की खबर चर्चा में है। इस शादी में दूल्हे राजा ने वरमाला किसी और के गले में डाली और दुल्हनियां किसी और को बनाकर अपने घर ले गए। यह शादी भागलपुर के भागलपुर सन्हौला थाना क्षेत्र के तारड़ खिरीडार गांव में हुई थी। शादी की रस्में शुरू होने के बाद दुल्हनियां शौचालय जाने का बहाना बनाकर अपने कमरे से फरार हो गईं। दूल्हे राजा ने खलबली मचाई और शादी की जिद पर बैठ गए। बाद में उन्होंने एक दिन बाद श्यामपुर की एक लड़की से शादी की।