Rajkumar Singh, a resident of Kushwaha Tola village, located about 30 km from the district headquarters of Vaishali in Bihar, is amazed by the fact that there are very few families in the present era who do not consume alcohol or meat. In fact, the people of this village do not consume any form of addiction or non-vegetarian food. They even choose to have their children married in families that share the same values. The village shops do not sell any addictive substances, and the people do not engage in businesses related to poultry, goats, or fish. However, they actively participate in vegetable and fruit farming.

According to Brahmdev Bhagat, the Sarpanch’s husband of the Manipur Panchayat with a population of more than 500, the people of Kushwaha Tola village belong to the Kushwaha caste. They have been following this tradition for several decades. The village has a population of more than 500, and the people here do not marry their children into families that consume meat, fish, gutka, paan, cigarettes, and other addictive substances. This condition is set before forming any relationships, and they also ensure this in their own way.

Premchand Bhagat, a resident of Kushwaha Tola village, mentions that no one in their village consumes any form of addiction or meat. This tradition has been passed down through generations. They look for families that do not consume addiction or meat while marrying off their children. They only form relationships with such families. Anil Kushwaha, a young resident, states that the people of their village never consume alcohol or tobacco. The younger generation is following this tradition, and they also consider these qualities when making friends or forming relationships.

In other news, Sakib Hussain from Bihar has been bought by KKR in the IPL Auction 2024, and a certain type of leaf is a treasure trove of protein for vegetarians, with benefits for kidney, skin diseases, and thyroid.

राजकुमार सिंह, वैशाली जिले के कुशवाहा टोला नामक गांव के बारे में एक रोचक जानकारी प्रकट करती है। यह गांव ऐसा है, जहां कोई नशा या मांसाहार का सेवन नहीं करता है। यहां के लोग अपने बच्चों की शादी भी ऐसे ही सात्विक विचार वाले परिवारों में ही करते हैं। इस गांव में नशे का कोई सामान नहीं मिलता है और यहां मुर्गी, बकरी या मछली पालन भी नहीं किया जाता है। गांव की आबादी 500 से अधिक है और यह परंपरा कई पीढ़ियों से चली आ रही है। इस गांव के लोगों को यह गुण देखकर ही संबंध बनाने की प्राथमिकता होती है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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