A violent clash occurred in Munger, Bihar, between two groups involved in an old dispute. The clash involved the use of lathis and resulted in the injury of 7 individuals, including BJP leader Om Prakash Sahni. All the injured have been admitted to the Khagaria Community Health Center, where 4 of them have been referred to Munger for better treatment. A video of the incident has also surfaced, showing both sides attacking each other with lathis. One person was seen falling to the ground after being injured. Local residents intervened to calm the situation. The incident took place in Mahkola village of Khadagpur Block.

Among the injured are senior BJP leader Om Prakash Sahni, Valmiki Samaj leader Pankaj Sahni, and some local residents. The clash is said to have erupted due to an old enmity between the two groups. The video of the incident has sparked outrage, with people condemning the violence and demanding strict action against the culprits. The police have initiated an investigation into the matter and are working to identify those responsible for the clash. The injured individuals are receiving medical treatment, and efforts are being made to ensure their speedy recovery.

The incident has once again highlighted the issue of violence and lawlessness in Munger. Such incidents not only disrupt the peace and harmony of the region but also pose a threat to the safety and security of the residents. It is important for the authorities to take strict action against the culprits and ensure that such incidents are not repeated in the future. The incident also raises questions about the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies in maintaining law and order in the area.

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