In Aurangabad, two neighbors engaged in a fight over tying a cow at the gate in the Mini Bigaha area of the Nagar Thana region. Both sides suffered serious injuries, with five people in total being injured. Among the injured were Ambika Ram (52), his wife Shanti Devi, and their relative Vimala Devi. On the other side, Vaidehi Prasad (59) and his son Ravi Kumar were injured. They all were rushed to the hospital for treatment.
The incident occurred when Ambika Ram and his neighbors got into an argument over tying a cow at the gate. The argument escalated into a physical fight, resulting in injuries to both parties involved. The injured individuals were immediately taken to the hospital by their family members for medical treatment.
The exact cause of the fight is still unknown, and it is unclear who initiated the altercation. The police have been informed about the incident, and they are investigating the matter. The injured individuals are currently receiving medical attention, and their condition is said to be serious. Further details regarding the incident are yet to be revealed.