Phase 3 of Lok Sabha Elections in Jharkhand
In Jharkhand, the third phase (sixth phase nationwide) of Lok Sabha elections is underway for the four seats of Ranchi, Jamshedpur, Dhanbad, and Giridih on Saturday. A total of 93 candidates are in the electoral fray for the four seats in the state. Voting will take place from 7 am to 5 pm. Before this, a mock poll was conducted in the morning to ensure that any technical glitches with the EVMs were resolved.
Voting Statistics
A total of 82,16,506 voters will decide the fate of the 93 candidates at 8,963 polling centers across Jharkhand. The voters include 42,06,926 males, 40,09,290 females, and 290 third gender individuals. Polling officials reached all polling centers on Friday. There are a total of 8,963 polling centers, with 3,361 in urban areas and 5,602 in rural areas. Each polling center will be monitored by two 4D cameras.
Live Updates
7.45 AM: After casting his vote, Jharkhand Governor CP Radhakrishnan appealed to voters to come out and vote for development. He emphasized the importance of creating wealth through development to eradicate poverty.
7.35 AM: Long queues of female voters were seen at the second booth in Harsingh Rai Deeh in Giridih.
7.30 AM: Voting has started for the four parliamentary seats in Ranchi, Dhanbad, Jamshedpur, and Giridih in Jharkhand. People started gathering at booths in Ranchi as early as 6 am due to the weather conditions.
Voter Turnout
7.25 AM: Long lines of voters were seen at booths 176 and 177 of Hindpidi’s Rajkiyakrit Madhy Vidyalaya in Ranchi.
7.20 AM: Long queues of voters were seen at booths 44 and 45 in Bishanpur, Dhanbad district.
7.15 AM: Voters, both male and female, were seen in line to vote in Mathan area six of Dhanbad district.
7.10 AM: Voters were already queuing up at booth number 355 at Utkramit Madhya Vidyalaya Chirachas in Bokaro for voting, which was set to begin at 7 am.
झारखंड में तीसरे चरण में लोकसभा की चार सीटों रांची, जमशेदपुर, धनबाद और गिरिडीह में वोट डाले जा रहे हैं। इस चरण में राज्य की चारों सीटों के लिए कुल 93 प्रत्याशी चुनावी रण में हैं। मतदान सुबह सात बजे से शाम पांच बजे तक होगा। झारखंड के 8,963 मतदान केंद्रों पर 82,16,506 मतदाता 93 प्रत्याशियों की किस्मत ईवीएम में कैद करेंगे। वोटरों में 42,06,926 पुरुष, 40,09,290 महिला और 290 थर्ड जेंडर के मतदाता शामिल हैं। सभी मतदान केंद्रों पर मतदान कर्मी शुक्रवार को ही पहुंच गए।