Way to get higher price than MSP is by availing the assistance of the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI-Pusa). The IARI is helping farmers get 1.5 times or even more the price of their crops compared to the Minimum Support Price (MSP). The IARI conducts research to identify the best quality seeds for different crops and selects the areas where these seeds can be produced with the highest quality. The farmers in these selected areas are then contacted, and the seeds are prepared in their fields. This effort by the IARI is helping to increase both the income and production of farmers, with the potential to increase crop yield by 30-40%.
The process begins with the scientists at the IARI identifying the best varieties of crops and the areas where the highest quality seeds can be produced. They then conduct research on these crops and contact the farmers in those areas. The selection of farmers is based on various criteria, and the cost of seed production is borne by the farmers while the IARI provides guidance. This process ensures that the farmers in the vicinity of the IARI centers, within a radius of 100-120 km, are chosen so that the transportation costs are minimized. Moreover, several farmers can come together to participate in seed production, reducing the overall cost.
Once the payment crop is ready, the farmers bring it to the IARI center, where they are immediately paid according to the MSP. The scientists then inspect the crop, and if it does not meet the average quality standards by about 8%, the farmer and the buyer are called to the center where the crop is sold. Since the IARI prepares it as seed, the price of the crop and seeds can be around 1.5 times or even more than the MSP. The IARI pays the farmers the difference in price, thereby enabling them to earn more than 1.5 times the MSP.
Farmers can contact the IARI Seed Unit in Delhi directly at 011 25842686 for information. They can also contact the Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and Agricultural Technical Information Centers (ATICs) across the country for information on this program.
For farmers residing in and around Delhi, they can directly visit the IARI Seed Unit in Delhi. Farmers in other states can contact the ICAR centers in their respective states, such as Izzatnagar, Lucknow, Jhansi, Kanpur, Varanasi, Meerut, Modipuram, and Mau in Uttar Pradesh; Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh; Karnal and Hisar in Haryana; Jodhpur and Bikaner in Rajasthan; Patna in Bihar; Raipur in Chhattisgarh; Ranchi in Jharkhand; Dehradun and Almora in Uttarakhand.
Farmers from other states can contact the helpline numbers such as the Kisan Farmer WhatsApp Helpline at 9560297502, Pusa Helpline at 011-25841670 / 25841039, 258426
किसानों को एमएसपी से डेढ़ गुना ज्यादा कीमत मिल सकती है। इसके पीछे भारतीय कृषि अनुसंधान परिषद के प्रभारी डा. ज्ञानेंद्र सिंह का कहना है कि आईएआरआई किसानों की मदद कर रहा है। इसके लिए आईएआरआई किसानों के खेतों में उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले बीज तैयार कर रहा है। यह प्रयास किसानों की आय और पैदावार दोनों को बढ़ाने में मददगार है। शोधों से साबित हो चुका है कि उन्नत किस्म के बीजों से 30 से 40 फीसदी तक पैदावार बढ़ाई जा सकती है। इस तरह किसानों को एमएसपी से डेढ़ गुना से अधिक मुनाफा होता है।